blepharo 25th March 2012

Dear family of my all time favorite teacher at Central High School in the late 50's. Mr. Edelman was my homeroom teacher for 3 years and he taught all of so many lessons, especially during the integration period. He taught us to accept regardless and that he would tolerate nothing less. The first student was in our homeroom and I think he was comfortable from the start and we all gathered around him and accepted him for who he was, not what color (thanks to our teacher). This was a lesson that I have carried throughout my life. I was looking at an old annual the other day and saw where Mr. Edelman wrote a long note to me and labeled me "his quiet one". I will always be thankful for him and the lessons in life and studies that he gave us and find that I actually loved him too. I am so sorry for your loss. May God bless you and your family Loretta Pearson Class of 1959